This website, under the domains and services offered, is administered by :



Address: 4, Rue Turgot Quartier Racine CASABLANCA
00212 5 22 95 40 00/ 36 07 73
00212 5 22 36 19 85 / 36 20 35

Email :


Article 1: Definition



Anyone using the site


Ordering one or more accommodation products and transport and excursion services

Sarab Festival

Electronic music festival held in the Agafay desert, near Marrakesh, Morocco, on 27 and 28 September 2024.

Festival organiser

FVS Consulting & Management (SRL) (hereinafter "FVS")

Rue du Bosquet 19 6181 Courcelles Belgium

BCE 1000.844.812



Partner travel - à 4, Rue Turgot Quartier Racine CASABLANCA

Tour operator for hotel, villa, tent and camping products, as well as excursion and transport services (excluding air tickets).

S Tours is also responsible for the platform.



Partner travel à Bvba à Brusselsesteenweg 111/203, B.T.W. BE 0806.138.888, RPR Ghent department Ghent

Travel organiser for air tickets










These general terms and conditions govern the relationship between the customer and S'Tours. These terms and conditions apply to access, use, consultation and all operations on the Site.       

By connecting to the Site, the Customer acknowledges that he/she has read these terms and conditions and accepts them.

These terms and conditions are accessible at all times on the Site, so that by accessing the Site or placing an Order, Customers confirm their acceptance of these terms and conditions.



Access to the Site's home page and its content is free. Orders for products and services may be placed at,


S tour may modify and adapt these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice, in particular in order to:


  • correct certain errors, inaccuracies or inconsistencies;
  • to add new provisions to the text;
  • bring them into line with legislative or regulatory provisions;
  • to bring them into line with any decision handed down by a court or arbitration tribunal, or issued by any other competent authority;


The applicable Conditions will be those in force at the time of the last use of the Site.


S'tour will notify any modification and/or adaptation of the Conditions, or any other rule relating to the use of the Site, before the modification or adaptation in question comes into force.




The Site is accessible without guarantee of any kind. Customers use the Site under their own and sole responsibility. Despite all the care taken in the construction of the Site, S'Tour does not guarantee in particular:

·        the absence of errors in the functionalities offered by the Site;

·        no interruption in the operation of the Site;

·        immediate correction of any defects;

·        the absence of viruses or any other harmful element;

·        there are no errors in the information provided on the Site.


S'Tours accepts no liability for any damage caused by, among other things, any interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or similar technical problems, network failure, or for any other reason whatsoever, in connection with the use of the Site or its content.

S'Tours manages the content of the Site freely and independently. It may therefore, without prior notice :

·        suspend or cancel access to the Site or any part of it;

·        modify the information and products available on the Site;

·        modify the presentation of the Site, its structure and its sections.


S'Tours makes no warranties or contractual commitments with regard to the images, multimedia, videos, photographs, etc. published on the Site.




The entire content of the Site, including but not limited to visuals, graphics, logos, buttons, images, video, HTML code, databases, text content and icons is the intellectual property of S'Tours, or content for which S'Tours has been granted exploitation rights. Some of the names, distinctive signs and logos appearing on the Site are registered trademarks or trade names belonging to S'Tours or to third parties.


Customers undertake to respect these intellectual property rights and not to copy, reproduce, extract, exploit or alter, in any form whatsoever and by any process whatsoever, the information contained on the Site, including these Conditions.




When you purchase products and/or services through our partners S'tours or Mind&motion, it is the partner who is your contracting party.

For each purchase of products and/or services on the platform, a contract is immediately drawn up between you and our partner S'Tours or Mind&motion under their own terms and conditions of sale (see part II and III below).

In the event of a dispute, the terms and conditions of S'tours or Mind&Motion shall prevail over the terms and conditions of Sarab festival.

You must contact S'Tours or Mind&motion for any questions relating to the performance of your contract with one of our partners.

The Sarab Festival Organiser is released from any contractual liability towards you.




These general terms and conditions for the sale of package travel products sold by S'Tours & Mind&motion (via the S'Tours platform) apply to all contracts concluded between S'Tours or Mind&motion and Customers.


The Customer expressly acknowledges having read and accepted these General Terms and Conditions of Sale before finalising their purchases.


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale form an integral part of the Contract resulting from the purchase of one or more products or Services in connection with the trip.




The Customer may place an Order on the Web Site:,via using the integrated payment method provided by S'Tour.


Before validating an Order, the Customer confirms that he/she has read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.


In the case of purchases made on behalf of third parties for whom it is presumed to be the agent, it is the responsibility of the Customer to inform these third parties of these Conditions and of any other conditions that may apply to this Contract, and to obtain their agreement to them at the latest when the Contract is concluded.




a. Ordering procedure


To order the products and services sold by S'Tours & Mind&Motion on the Site, the Customer must select them and make the reservation online.


Placing an Order implies acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. 


S'Tours nevertheless reserves the right to cancel the order for technical reasons, in particular if the sales quotas for certain categories are exceeded. In this case, the Customer will be immediately refunded the amount of the Order, and may not claim any additional compensation.


b. Prices and payment


Prices are given in euros, $ or Mad - including VAT.


If S'Tours detects an error in the price of the product(s) or service(s) ordered, it will inform the Customer as soon as possible and will either offer to confirm the order at the correct price or to cancel it.


If S'Tours does not receive a response from the Customer on the alternative offered within five calendar days, it will cancel the order and refund the amount paid by the Customer.


The following methods of payment are offered on the Site: credit card or bank transfer.


The provision of travel products and services is subject to prior payment of the order.


In the event of payment in instalments, the provision of products and services is also subject to prior payment of the total amount of the order. 


If you wish to pay in instalments, please send your request to - subject to acceptance.


c. Encoding information when ordering


The Customer must enter identification details that are correct, complete and valid for any Order placed on the Site.


To create an account, customers must enter their title, surname, first name, country, email address and choose a password.



e. Receipt of the Order


When the order is validated: The customer receives a confirmation email and a voucher or invoice confirming the order.


For the "flight ticket" product managed by the Mind&Motion partner, the partner will contact customers individually and at a later date in order to provide flight information and collect the necessary data in compliance with RGPD* standards (see Mind&Motion's general conditions below).

f. No right of withdrawal


In accordance with article VI.53, 12°, Code of Economic Law, the customer does not have a right of withdrawal of 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract.


The Order is binding on the Customer subject to the provisions of these S'Tours Terms and Conditions.





A.    Hosting

The booking system: first come, first served.

Confirmation of the room reservation will be subject to full prepayment.  

The tariff will be maintained until 24 July 2024

B.     Cancellation fees

In the event of cancellation or no-show after 16 September 2024, the cancellation fee will be 1 night.

C.    Reimbursement

All refunds are deducted from bank charges.

With the exception of deluxe 5-star hotels and riads, all stays will be billed.

We remind you to book in advance to avoid any inconvenience.




Product : Plane ticket


The airline and flight times are mentioned in the product description on the site.


The General Terms and Conditions of the Travel Disputes Commission for the Sale of Travel Services apply (see appendix).


Article 1: Right of withdrawal


In accordance with article VI.53 12° and article VI.73 12° of the Code of Economic Law, the traveller may not exercise his right of withdrawal for the provision of non-residential accommodation, transport, car rental services, catering and leisure-related services, when specific dates or a period of performance are provided for in the contracts.


The traveller may not use the right of withdrawal to cancel the travel contract.


Article 2: Protection of personal data (GDPR)


Mind&Motion collects the traveller's data necessary for the proper execution of the file, in accordance with the European Union Regulation (2016/679) - the "GDPR". Mind&Motion will receive the contact details of customers who have purchased a plane ticket through S'Tours.


The personal data provided by the traveller is necessary for the processing of the booking and for the performance of the contract (Article 6.1.b of the GDPR).


This personal data will also be communicated to the FPS Interior and to the service providers referred to and performed under the Act of 25 December 2016 on the processing of passenger data, which transposes Directive 2016/681 of 27 April 2016 on the use of passengers' personal data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime.


As the person whose data is collected, the traveller has the right to access, the right to rectify, the right to erase and the right to object. These rights may be exercised by e-mail, stating the surname, first name and address, as well as the reason for the contact.


In accordance with data protection legislation, travellers have the right to object free of charge at any time to the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes, they have the right to access their personal information and the right to modify it, as well as, where applicable, the right to erasure. Travellers may send their request to Mind&Motion by post, providing proof of identity.


Complaints concerning the collection and processing of data may be addressed to the competent supervisory authority.


Article 3: Pre-contractual information


The traveller acknowledges having been informed by Mind&Motion, of all the pre-contractual information as provided for in Article 5 of the Act of 21 November 2017 on the sale of package travel, long-term stays and related travel services, namely:


1° the main characteristics of the travel services ;

2° the commercial name and geographical address of Mind&Motion, as well as its company number and contact details;

3° the total price of the package tour, as well as taxes and all additional costs, supplements and other charges ;

4° general information on passport and visa requirements in the country of destination;

5° a statement that the traveller may cancel the contract at any time before the start of the package tour on payment of an appropriate cancellation fee or, where applicable, standard cancellation fees;

6° information on optional or compulsory insurance ;


The pre-contractual information may only be changed with the express and mutual agreement of the parties to the package travel contract. Mind&Motion will notify the traveller of any changes to the pre-contractual information in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner before the package travel contract is concluded.


The pre-contractual information sent to the traveller forms an integral part of the travel contract.


All offers from Mind&motion are subject to availability and only become definitive after confirmation, unless otherwise agreed. If Mind&Motion is forced to cancel or change a specific offer, an alternative will be offered.


Mind&Motion reserves the right to correct obvious material errors in the pre-contractual information.


Article 4: Duty to provide information


4.1 Reporting obligations


When the traveller has an essential condition for making the journey, he is obliged to communicate it when the offer is drawn up.


4.2 Obligations concerning documents


Mind&Motion will provide the traveller with travel documents before the start of the journey.


Travel documents include the necessary receipts, tickets, information on scheduled departure times and, where applicable, the latest check-in time, as well as the scheduled times of intermediate stops, connections and arrival.


These travel documents are sent by e-mail at least one week before departure. At the express request of the traveller, travel documents can also be sent by post at an additional cost. If the booking is made less than a week before departure, the travel documents will be sent by e-mail immediately after payment has been made.


All travellers must be in possession of valid identity papers for the trip booked. Travellers must have the various documents required by the authorities of the countries they are visiting. Identity papers and passports must be valid for at least 6 months after the traveller's return.


Travellers who do not have Belgian nationality are required to go to the embassy or consulate to obtain precise information on the identity documents required. Mind&Motion does not guarantee the accuracy of this information and is not liable for any negligence on the part of the traveller in this respect.


4.3 Obligations concerning flights


Timetables are subject to change before and during the journey. Mind&Motion will inform passengers immediately of any such changes.


Passengers must present themselves for boarding on time.


Passengers must respect the authorised baggage limits. Any additional costs incurred as a result of excess weight are entirely at the passenger's expense.


In the event of lost or damaged baggage, passengers must immediately inform the airline at the airport. The passenger must fill in a "property irregularity report" form at the lost luggage department at the airport. In the case of coach travel, a certificate must be requested from the accompanying staff.


The airlines on the European Commission's blacklist in accordance with EU regulation 2311/2005 of 14 December 2005 can be consulted here:


The identity of the operating airline will be communicated to the passenger at the latest on the travel documents.


4.4. Health


It is the traveller's duty to find out about the health formalities required at the chosen destination.


The traveller declares that he/she is medically, physically and psychologically fit to undertake the chosen trip. Any traveller with a physical or psychological limitation, a restriction of mobility, or suffering from an illness requiring treatment, or who is pregnant, must inform Mind&Motion.


Mind&Motion reserves the right to refuse a traveller participation in a trip, for objective and non-discriminatory reasons, if it appears that the traveller is unable to participate.


Travellers are advised to consult the FPS Foreign Affairs website for health and safety conditions.


The traveller is responsible for his/her own vaccinations. As Mind&Motion has no medical competence, the traveller must assess the information provided himself/herself with a competent doctor or medical authority.



Article 5: Prices and payment terms


5.1. Determination and description of prices


The passenger acknowledges having received clear and comprehensible information on the price when the contract was concluded.


The traveller is responsible for all charges, surcharges and costs that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time the contract was concluded, such as tourist tax, entry taxes, etc.


Mind&Motion is not bound by obvious material errors in the price and has the right to rectify these material errors.



5.2. Price changes


After the package travel contract has been concluded, prices may only be changed if the contract expressly provides for this and states that the traveller is entitled, pursuant to Article 22 of the Act of 21 November 2017 on the Sale of Package Travel, Linked Travel Services and Travel Services.


In this case, the package travel contract specifies how the price change is calculated.


The price can only be modified following changes in :


1° the price of passenger transport attributable to increases in the cost of fuel or other energy sources ;


2° the amount of taxes or charges on the travel services included in the contract, levied by third parties not directly involved in the performance of the journey, including tourist taxes, landing fees and departure or arrival taxes at ports and airports ;


3° the relevant exchange rate for the trip.


Any price increase will be communicated to the Traveller by Mind&Motion, at the latest 20 days before the start of the journey, by means of a durable medium, providing a justification for this price increase, a calculation and, where applicable, the date on which the fuel prices were determined.


If the increase exceeds 8% of the total price, the traveller may cancel the contract without incurring any cancellation charges.


In the event of a reduction in the above-mentioned costs after the contract has been concluded and before the start of the trip, the traveller is entitled to a proportional price reduction. In this case, only administrative costs will be charged. These costs can be justified at the express request of the traveller.


5.3 Failure to pay (on time)


If payment is not received by the due date, Mind&Motion will not issue the travel documents.


If the traveller fails to pay the deposit or the total amount of the trip, Mind&motion will automatically terminate the contract with the traveller without prior notice. The cost of cancellation will be borne by the Traveller.


In addition, in the event of non-payment on the due date, a fixed penalty will be payable automatically and without prior notice, equivalent to 10% of the total amount of the trip, with a minimum of €75.00 per file.


The above-mentioned interest and compensation also apply to cancellation costs, unless these costs are reimbursed by travel insurance.



Article 6: Changes to the travel contract before departure


6.1. Modification by the traveller


No unilateral changes may be made by the traveller, unless explicitly and mutually agreed by the parties to the package travel agreement.


Any request for modification on the part of the traveller will result in the payment of a flat-rate administrative fee of €30.00 per person, as well as any costs incurred by the tour operator, retailer or travel service providers.


The traveller must send his request for modification in writing to Mind&Motion by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt or by registered post.


A change will only be possible subject to availability and a possible adjustment to the price. The cost of this change will be borne by the traveller.



6.2. Modification by the organiser


Mind&Motion reserves the right to make minor changes before departure. The traveller will be informed by a sustainable means of communication.


If Mind&Motion has to make significant changes to the travel contract, the Traveller can accept these changes or cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees (subject to consultation with the airline to determine whether the cancellation can be made free of charge). The Traveller must inform Mind&motion of this choice within a reasonable period of time (no later than 48 hours) after this information has been sent.


Mind&motion is also authorised to correct material errors.


Article 7: Transfer of the contract by the traveller


The traveller who informs the organiser by a durable means of communication within a reasonable period (no later than 45 days) before the start of the trip may assign the travel contract to a person who fulfils all the conditions applicable to this contract.


In the event of assignment of the contract, the assignor and assignee shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the outstanding amount and any additional charges, surcharges and other costs arising from the assignment.


Mind&Motion informs the transferring traveller of the actual costs of the transfer. These costs may not exceed the actual costs incurred by Mind&Motion for the transfer of the travel contract.


In certain situations, the cost of the transfer can be up to 100%, which corresponds to the cost of purchasing a new travel service (for example, in the case of non-changeable or non-refundable plane tickets, full flights, etc.).


If a specific travel service can no longer be provided after the request for assignment, Mind&motion cannot be held responsible.


Article 8: Cancellation of the travel contract by the traveller


The traveller may cancel the travel contract at any time before the start of the trip, subject to payment of appropriate and justified cancellation compensation.


The Traveller must inform Mind&motion in writing by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt or by registered mail. The valid date for cancellation will always be the working day following the effective receipt of the registered letter or the acknowledgement of receipt of the e-mail.


The insurance premium is always due in addition to the cancellation fee.


In the travel contract, a standardised and reasonable cancellation fee may be determined based on the time of cancellation before the start of the trip and the expected cost savings and income from the alternative use of travel services.


If no standard cancellation fee has been set, the amount of cancellation compensation will correspond to the price of the trip minus the cost savings and income from the alternative use of travel services.


In the event that the travel service provider's costs exceed these standard cancellation charges, Mind&motion reserves the right to charge these costs to the traveller.



Article 9: Liability for booking errors


Mind&motion is responsible for any errors caused by technical faults in the airline booking system for which it is responsible and, if it has agreed to manage the booking of a package holiday, it is responsible for any errors made during the booking process.

Article 10: Applicable law and competent court


In the event of a complaint, the complaints procedure provided for in the General Terms and Conditions of Travel of the Commission de Litiges Voyages (Article 17) will be preferred.


When lodging a complaint, the passenger must provide all relevant supporting documents. Only complaints accompanied by supporting documents will be taken into consideration.


In the first instance, in the event of a dispute, the parties will hold a joint informal meeting in which both parties will actively participate and at which the dispute and its content will be discussed. The parties will endeavour to reach an amicable settlement.


If this attempt at amicable settlement fails, the parties may jointly agree to ask the Conciliation Unit (conciliation and arbitration) of the asbl Commission des litiges voyages to initiate a conciliation procedure.


In the absence of a conciliation procedure or in the event of its failure, the plaintiff may initiate arbitration proceedings with the Travel Disputes Commission asbl or take legal action.


The courts of Antwerp, Antwerp division, have exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes relating to (the performance of) this contract. Only Belgian law is applicable.


The EU's online dispute resolution platform can be consulted at:


Article 11: Prizes


In accordance with Article 6 of the General Terms and Conditions of Travel of the "V.Z.W. Geschillencommissie Reizen" (Travel Disputes Commission, non-profit association), prices may be revised by changing one or more parameters.


Article 12: Insurance against financial insolvency


In accordance with the Royal Decree of 25 April 1997 implementing Article 36 of the Law of 16 February 1994 regulating travel organisation and mediation contracts, Mind and Motion has taken out insurance against financial insolvency with AMLIN EUROPE N.V. (European insurance company for goods and luggage). (European insurance company for goods and luggage) Koning Albert II laan 37, 1030 Brussels (NBB nr 0745- RPR 0416.056.358. This insurance is valid until 30 November 2024 and may be extended thereafter with the same insurance company or another officially recognised insurance company.


The General Terms and Conditions of Travel of the "V.Z.W. Geschillencommissie Reizen" shall apply to the contract.


If a provision of the contract is in contradiction with the aforementioned General Terms and Conditions of Travel, the provision of the contract shall prevail.



Article 13: Applicable law


The Contract is governed by Belgian law in general, and by the Act of 21 November 2017, the Act on the sale of package travel, related travel arrangements and travel services. 


Settlement of disputes


Notwithstanding Article 18.2 of the General Travel Conditions of the "V.Z.W. Geschillencommissie Reizen", all disputes relating to amounts claimed in excess of 2,500 euros will be brought exclusively before the competent court in Ghent.


Other provisions


If one or more provisions of the Contract are deemed to be contrary to the provisions of Belgian or European law, the nullity of such provision(s) shall not result in the nullity of the Contract. In this case, the Parties shall replace the provision(s) declared null and void by a provision that comes as close as possible to the objective of the provision(s) declared null and void.




Appendix 1: General Conditions of the Travel Disputes Board for the Sale of Travel Services


Appendix 2: General terms and conditions of the Allianz Assisatance temporary contract

Please note that this insurance only applies to Belgian residents travelling to Morocco.



Appendix 1


General Terms and Conditions of the Travel Disputes Commission for the Sale of Travel Services


Article 1: Scope These general terms and conditions apply to the sale of travel services from 1 July 2018 as defined by the Law of 21 November 2017 on the sale of package travel, related travel services and travel services. Article 2: Information to the traveller prior to the sale of the travel service. The organiser or retailer who sells a travel service separately as an intermediary shall provide the traveller with the following information: 1. the main characteristics of the travel service 2. the identity of the company (company number, business name, address, telephone number) 3. the total price of the travel service 4. the terms of payment 5. the procedure for dealing with complaints internally 6. the protection he enjoys in the event of insolvency 7. the name of the entity responsible for protection against insolvency and its contact details. Article 3: Information from the traveller 3.1 The person who concludes the travel service contract must provide the organiser or retailer with all useful information that could influence the conclusion of the contract or the smooth running of the journey. 3.2 If the traveller provides incorrect information which results in additional costs for the tour operator or retailer, these costs may be charged to the traveller. Article 4: Insolvency 4.1 The tour operator or retailer who sells a travel service separately as an intermediary provides a guarantee for the reimbursement of all payments he receives from travellers insofar as the travel service is not carried out due to his insolvency. 4.2 For travel services that have not been performed, refunds will be made without delay after the traveller has requested them. Article 5: Complaint handling The tour operator or retailer provides the traveller with information concerning the internal complaint handling procedure. Article 6: Conciliation procedure 6.1 In the event of a dispute, the parties must first attempt to reach an amicable settlement between themselves. 6.2 If this attempt at an amicable settlement is unsuccessful, each of the parties concerned may apply to the secretariat of the Commission de Litiges Voyages asbl to initiate a conciliation procedure. All parties must agree to this. 6.3 The secretariat will provide the parties with a set of conciliation rules and a "conciliation agreement". 6.4 In accordance with the procedure described in the rules, an impartial conciliator will contact the parties to pursue a fair conciliation between them. 6.5 Any agreement reached will be recorded in a binding agreement. Article 7: Arbitration or Court 71 If no conciliation procedure has been initiated or if it has failed, the complaining party may initiate arbitration proceedings before the Travel Disputes Commission or proceedings before the court. 7.2 The traveller, whether plaintiff or defendant, is never obliged to accept the jurisdiction of the Commission de Litiges Voyages. 7.3 The organiser or retailer who is the defendant may only refuse arbitration proceedings if the amounts claimed exceed 2,500 euros. To do so, he shall have a period of 10 calendar days from receipt of the registered letter or e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt informing the Travel Disputes Commission that a case involving an amount of 2,501 euros or more has been opened. 7.4 This arbitration procedure is subject to dispute settlement, and may be initiated after a complaint has been lodged with the company itself as soon as it appears that an amicable solution has not been found or as soon as 4 months have elapsed from the (planned) end of the trip (or possibly from the service which gave rise to the dispute). Disputes concerning personal injury can only be settled by the courts. 7.5 The arbitration board, composed of equal numbers of members, will make a binding and definitive award, in accordance with the Dispute Rules. No appeal is possible. Secretariat of the Travel Disputes Commission: telephone: 02/277 62 15 (9am to 12pm) fax: 02/277 91 00 City Atrium, Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels e-mail: litiges-voyages@clv-gr

Appendix 2


General terms and conditions of temporary contract for Allianz Assistance Travel Selection insurance